Day camp is for 6 to 12 year olds
Its fun, its safe, its unique and like nothing else your child will have experienced before.
1100 acres of land. Wild Boar, Otters, beautiful woodlands, a forest drop slide, maze, and a yurt village….what more could a child need.
Yurt Village was designed and built especially for Escot by The Really Interesting Tent Company in Newton Abbot. The village is used by both day camp and residential participants. A 28ft central communal yurt is used as an activity and eating space, and four 22ft sleeping yurts ‘pod’ from it.
Boys and girls sleep separately and there is space in each yurt for 16 children in eight bunk beds. There are single entrances from all the sleeping pods, all leading in to the main yurt. Each pod has a fire exit door which children may only use in case of emergencies.
Yurt Village has capacity for 15 to 20 campers each day.
We have hot water showers and flushing toilets at the village.
All staff are CRB checked and give three referees to support their applications. Staff are charismatic, musical, energetic, caring and fun and it is vital that they have a positive impact on all the children at Camp Wild. We exist for the camper, and their needs always come first. Camp Wild staff roles are challenging and demanding, and rewarding and exhilarating at the same time. In short, we like to say “it’s the hardest job they will ever love!”
Camp Wild is registered with The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), which regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people. By quoting our Ofsted registration number which you can obtain from the Camp Wild office, you may be able to claim Child Tax Credit to cover part of your summer camp costs.
For more detailed information please visit www.ofsted.gov.uk and search for fact sheet 080032.
Day campers need to bring a packed lunch each day of their visit, along with a tea towel or bandana to use as a place mat.
Extended care has been designed to help working parents. A.M extended care runs from 8.30am-9am and afternoon care is from 4.00pm-5.30pm. We will have activities available for children to play with until the day session starts at 9am and after the session ends at 4pm.
Childcare Vouchers are an employee benefit available to all eligible working parents. Childcare Vouchers are non-taxable and exempt from National Insurance contributions for employees, whilst offering NI savings for employers. Childcare Vouchers are the recognised payment method for registered carers.
All eligible working parents with children up to 16 years old can benefit from Childcare Vouchers, provided their employer offers the Childcare Vouchers scheme. The scheme benefits both basic and higher rate tax-payers and offers savings of up to £2392* per family, per year. Childcare Vouchers are not just for under 5s – they can be used to pay for all types of registered childcare for children up to 16 years old, including day nurseries, nannies, au pairs, crèches, childminders, out of school clubs, holiday schemes, summer camps, activity clubs and qualifying childcare offered by schools.
Please contcat us if you wish to use child care vouchers to pay for your childs place at Camp Wild.